Don’t Commit These 6 Mistakes While Using a Shampoo | For Men & Women

Mistakes While Washing Your Hair with Shampoo

Everybody wants to maintain healthy hair and washing hair with shampoo is an important part of the hair care routine.

However, not everybody does it in the right way. Hereby, we are providing a list of 6 mistakes which you should not commit while using a shampoo.

Mistake # 1 – Selecting a Wrong Shampoo Type:

While selecting a shampoo, most of us just pay attention to the brand. These days, a single brand may have different variants of shampoos for different hair types viz. dry hair, normal hair, damaged hair, think hair, dandruff problem etc. You should select the shampoo by keeping in mind your hair type.

Mistake # 2 – Daily Shampoo:

For some people, applying shampoo is a daily routine affair like taking a bath. It should be kept in mind that shampoos contain strong chemicals which may make your hair and scalp extremely dry if used on daily basis. Frequency of applying shampoo should be in accordance with your hair type as well as your exposure to dust. Usage of shampoo should be less frequent for those who mainly stay indoors (in office or at home) as compared to those who go outdoors (sales job or tasks that require you to go out for long duration).

Mistake # 3 – Not Detangling the Hair before Shampoo:

This applies particularly to those with long hair. Applying shampoo on detangled hair will make it weak and the hair would become prone to breakage. Detangling wet hair is even more difficult.

Mistake # 4 – Using Extremely Hot Water:

People commit this mistake during winters when they prefer hot water for bath. But for washing hair with shampoo, it is advisable to use lukewarm water as extremely hot water drains out the natural moisture from your hair.

Mistake # 5 – Harshly Rubbing Your Hair After Shampoo:

This mistake is committed generally by office going people as they have to honour their work timings. While towel drying your hair, don’t rinse it vigorously as it may cause a severe damage and lead to breakage.

Mistake # 6 – Shampoo Hopping:

These days, companies are spending huge amount of money in advertising their products. We, as individuals get tempted to try out different shampoos. You should refrain from changing your shampoos very often as that will never help you in discovering that which shampoo brand/type suits you the most. One more thing you should be alert about while changing shampoos is, if you notice any negative effect on your hair during first few washes with a new shampoo, you should immediately discontinue its usage.

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