10 things Gujarati parents say to blackmail you into Marriage

The moment you step in your twenties, MARRIAGE becomes a big PROJECT not just for your family but everybody around you. If you think your getting a good education and a good job is the biggest worries of your parents, you my friend are WRONG. The biggest concern for our parents right since the time when we are small is MARRIAGE. And that is the reason we get to hear dialogues like “Au j karis to tara jode kon lagan karse ??? “  So by the time the AGE of marriage comes,(age here is not a legal age but rather and age our parents think right ) pressure starts building up on us. Not to forget the kaki, mama, masi, fua, etc whose only question when they meet you after a certain age is “Have taro paranvano vaaro kyare che?”

Our parents try every kind of trick to convince us for marriage. Here are 10 things Gujarati parents say to blackmail you into Marriage:


“Have amari ummar thai, ame bhagwan ne vaahla thaiye ena pehla tara chokrao ne ramadvani ichha che” So here they not just want us to get married but also get kids ASAP !

Ummar thai


“Aa jo Jyenti kaka na chokra na lagan pan thai gaya ane ene baby (girl child) pan avi gai. Have tu pn kari le lagan” Now you start hating Jyenti kaka and his son for no reason…

hate jyenti


“Ame retire thaiye ena pehla aa tara lagan ni moti jawabadari mathi mukt thai javu che” This does make us think of marriage once as we know how much they have worked hard to bring us up.



“Tu atli raah seni jove che ? Bhanvanu pati gayu.. Job pan sari che/ Pappa na dhandhe pan tu lagi gayo/gai” Education -> Job -> MARRIAGE !!!

raah jove


“Lagan mate kyarey koi perfect samay nathi hoto” The reply you get everytime you dodge your parents by saying that its not right time for marriage.



“Have tari umar thai gai che, bau late na karay” This is the general argument of parents esp. in case of girls.

tari ummar thai


“Apde bau lagano ma jai avya, have apdo vaaro badhane lagan ma bolavano” Now this is less about your marriage and more about their wish to host a good wedding 😛

tara lagan


“Aa kaam ne kaam ma tu taru dhyan rakhto nathi, koi saaru “PAATRA” sodhi naakh” A point comes when our parents even don’t mind if we have some one in consideration(bf/gf). But marriage HAS TO BE DONE.



“Jo Chaku masi ni dikri amna lagan kari honeymoon mate Switzerland farva gai, have tu pan kari le ane duniya far” Have Wanderlust in you? Then MARRY !



“Ame aakhi jindgi tara mate aatlu karyu, tara thi khali lagan nathi thata amara mate?” The ultimate weapon to convince you 😛

atlu na kari sake

Time has changed, new generation is more career oriented and we want to live our dreams. Marriage may or may not fit in that…. at least for time being. 🙂

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