Gujarat’s 1st Female Cab Driver Is Breaking All The Stereotypes

Gujarat's 1st Female Cab Driver

While the world runs around making it to a 9-5, stressing with targets. Passion always takes a back seat. The fire within dies in the cold competition. Pan amuk hoye jey cubicle ni bahar pan jovey. They are the ones who sustain through life making it amazing for themselves and others.




This beautiful story shared on Humans Of Amdavad of a girl who is pursuing post graduation in architecture and is also driving an Uber cab is an inspiration for all of us on many levels.


gujarat first female cab driver



“After completing my graduation last year from Jaipur, I got selected at CEPT Ahmedabad for my post-gradauation programme. I did my graduation in Architecture, and architecture is a field where you have to work very hard and work on assignments for several months. For past five years I was studying and doing assignments and projects and it was something very frustrating so once I came to Ahmedabad I decided to do something adventurous. I asked myself that, what if God erases past five years from my life, then who am I? and what is my actual passion? As I’m a person who hates the same monotonous life. I have travelled almost to every state of India and have traveled to few international destinations. I am not someone who will spend her whole life doing 9-5 job on the same desk. I love travelling, and love exploring new places and love meeting new people, and above all I love driving, that’s where my passion lies. I can drive car for 12 hours at a strech and after small break again I can drive for next 12 hours. So I realized how about I do something related to driving. I approached Ola Cabs for the job of a female chauffeur but they turned it down maybe because they thought that a young girl wouldn’t be able to drive a car. So I approached Uber Cabs and they were so happy with my idea of female chauffeur. They welcomed me onboard and said you can join us from the very next day but I’d some issues related to license and car so once the issues were sorted out I joined Uber as Gujarat’s First Female Chauffeur. Initially I was scared about it, but with every new customer my confidence increased and made me happy of what I was doing. Each and every rider would appreciate me and would be happy to see a young girl driving a car. There have been customers who have paid me an extra tip as a blessing just because they were happy that a girl is taking a lead in such fields. People of Ahmedabad are so cooperative and beautiful at heart. Had it been a different city then I wouldn’t have been able to drive car so freely. My daily routine is waking up at 5:00 am and start driving up to 8:30 am, then attending college till 5:00 in the evening, and again start driving from 6:00 in the evening to 10:00 at night. My schedule is hectic but I enjoy picking up riders and love to hear stories from them, everyday I would learn a new lesson from them. I would like to share two beautiful incidents, there was this one time I had gone to pick up a girl late at night at Gandhinagar, during the ride we started communicating with each other and she was very hungry and so was I, so we ended up having dinner together and somehow our simple talks lead to deep conversations about life and today we are very good friends. There is this another one where I picked up an uncle who is an owner of a very famous kitchen module showroom. He was very much happy to see a girl driving an Uber cab and gradually we started discussing about architecture and interior design, so once we reached at his showroom he invited me inside and made me meet his whole family and told me that beta once you’re done with your passion, come to us we will train you for the interior designing. Recently one of my rider requested me to teach driving to her daughter, and I willingly taught her. So things like this makes you happy, where you encounter with a stranger and the very next moment they become like your family.





Any Message ?


Just follow your heart and don’t listen to the bullshit that people has to say because somehow your heart knows everything and eventually it will take you to the right places. It really saddens me that people look down towards the job of a driver, it is considered as a low esteem job and I want to change that thinking. I come from a very good and rich family and still I’m doing it. No job in this world is big or small, it’s all in our head. I hope many more needy girls would come out and follow my example and become one of the bread earner of their families.”


Our parents will not easily get out of “ naukri goti le” “ settle thai jaa” Mentality. Juggling around with their expectations and passion is a task but she pulled it off in an outstanding manner. More power to you girl.

Read the Orignial post : here


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