5 Books that Bill Gates Recommends to be Successful | Must Read

Books that Bill Gates Recommends

Most of us know Bill Gates as the co-founder of Microsoft and a billionaire who keeps featuring in the World’s Rich List, ever since the world has known about him. Very few know that in addition to this, Bill Gates is a voracious reader and is fond of reading new books of different genres. Every year, he even reveals a list of books which he read during the year and found them to be of immense value addition.

However in this article, we will talk about 5 books, that are his all time favourite and he strongly recommends it to all individuals who are seeking success in their chosen endeavours.


Book Title: ‘Life is What You Make It’

Author: Peter Buffett

This book is a story about a child of a rich family, who attained success independently without taking the help of his family. Talking about this Book, Bill Gates highlighted that the central character of this book, i.e. the rich child, never took the help of his father’s connections or money to gain success. Rather, he learned from his father as to how to carve out his own way to success. Gates said that he wanted to read this book with his children. He also stated that, one does not have to be born in a rich family to attain success.


Book Title: Business Adventures

Author: John Brooks

This book emphasizes the fact that to achieve success, it is very important to understand why particular businesses have been successful and why some businesses have been unsuccessful. Both of these issues are discussed in depth in this book. Bill Gates considers this book as one of the best business books he has read till date. John Brooks is his favorite business books writer.


Book Title: Awakening Joy

Author: James Baraz

This book by author James Baraz, starts with a basic yet most important question, i.e. “Why you want to be successful?” An obvious answer to this is ‘for happiness’. This book teaches you how to be happy on your journey to success. In context of this book, Bill Gates has mentioned that happiness is not a privilege reserved only for few fortunate people. Rather, everyone has equal right to be happy. Through this book, James Baraz will help you to embark on the Joyful Path.


Book Title: Tap Dancing to Work

Author: Carol Loomis

This book is a compilation of billionaire investor, Warren Buffett’s writings. These writings cover the complete story of Buffett’s success. Bill Gates has made two observations from this book. First, how Warren Buffett achieved success using his vision and investment principals. Secondly, Warren Buffett has a tremendous understanding of the market, and everyone reading this book too should learn how to cultivate that understanding.


Book Title: Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything

Author: Joshua Foer

As per Joshua Foer’s book ‘Moonwalking with Einstein’, you cannot be successful if you are careless and forgetful. This book will teach you how to remember the useful and necessary facts. Gates likes this book as he is curious to know how the brain works and how it remembers different things. Further, this book explains in simple language that there is no significant difference between memory and understanding. Both are the same thing.

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