8 Unconventional yet Cool Jobs that will Tempt You to Quit Your Current Job | Which One Would You Prefer

Unconventional yet Cool Jobs

Great Philosopher Confucius once said “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. If you are stuck up in a boring 9 to 5 office job, we strongly recommend considering below mentioned Jobs, which are a bit unconventional, but would help you get rid of presentations, monthly targets and most importantly ‘Monday Blues’.

1) Professional Traveller

There would hardly be anyone who would not like to travel to new places, know about new cultures, try out new food and over and above, get paid for it. This has to be the dream job for most of us.

2) Professional Cuddler

Yes, such Jobs do exist. All you have to do is hug and cuddle people. There is a great demand for professional cuddlers in US and Japan. However, you should be comfortable in having physical contact with a stranger.

3) Admin of a Private Island

Many billionaires buy private islands. They are in need of people who can take care of the amenities and basic infrastructure on such islands.

4) Professional Netflix Watcher

Ever felt guilt after binge watching seasons after season of your favourite shows. Well, this Job will never let you feel so again.

5) Professional Sleeper

OMG! Its getting better and better. Isn’t it? Yes, some luxury bed makers need people who can actually take real naps on their products and share the experience.

6) Ice Cream taster

This is more of a Quality Control job, wherein you are posted at an ice cream manufacturing plant and your job is to taste the ice creams to confirm whether its taste and texture is in line with established standard or not. However, this is not for Diabetes patients.

7) Wedding Guests

In Japan, you can enjoy the full spread 5 course meal served at marriages if you agree to be a Wedding Guest.

8) Nail Polish Namer

If you think, you are creative enough, have good vocabulary and can pullout cool and classy sounding names from thin air, this Job is for you.

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