Bollywood Music Director Charged Rs. 1672 for 3 Eggs in Ahmedabad’s 5 Star Hotel | See the Bill

Bollywood Music Director Charged Rs. 1672 for 3 Boiled Eggs

Shekhar Ravjiani of the Bollywood Music composer duo Vishal-Shekhar, recently posted a bill of a 5-star hotel on Twitter.

As per the bill, he had to pay Rs 1672 for three eggs which he ordered during his stay at the hotel. This bill posted by Shekhar has gone viral on social media. The bill is of Hyatt Regency Hotel in Ahmedabad. Sharing a copy of the bill, Shekhar captioned it – “1672 rupees for 3 egg whites? That was an Eggxorbitant meal.” This bill posted by Shekhar drew lot of interesting comments and reactions from his fans and other celebrities.

Singer Papon reacted with a funny comment asking whether those eggs were indeed laid by a hen.

While another singer Harshdeep Kaur called it “Eggtremely Shocking”.

Reactions of not just celebrities but event other Twitter users were quite funny. One of them called it ‘Sone Ka Anda’ (Golden Egg) whereas another user quoted the price of 3 boiled eggs to be Rs. 21. Thus, implying that in Rs. 1672, a whole egg shop can be purchased.

Some users with good memory even clubbed this with recent experience shared by Rahul Bose and came up with extremely funny reactions.

To those who are not aware, just few months ago, actor Rahul Bose was staying at JW Marriott Chandigarh where he was charged Rs. 442 for two bananas.

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